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STRANGE WORLD AROUND US                            This happened in India in the district of Dhanbad. An old man who was my regular patient for the treatment of diabetes, came from that area and he told me the story of a stupid husband who gave his wife the injection, meant for a buffalo, and brought a […]

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Sterility after Abortion.               A young woman of about 24 years of age enters my clinic with a gloomy face. She is married five years ago and so far she had never been pregnant… She has already consulted some doctors and done their courses. But so far nothing has materialized. The sperm reports of her […]

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Soul the Tenant of the Body.     Science and Religion have disagreed upon certain matters but there are several matters where they have agreed with one voice. The existence of the mighty SOUL is the common factor agreed by both the powers. There is something par excellence or an extra ordinary factor in the […]

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Snoring- a disturbing den to the other sleeping partner.                                     The recent survey on the British land on SNORING reveals that nearly 25% of the adult citizens are the regular snorers. The record further claims around three million British having sleep apnoea other than snoring. The further research on the issue reveals the […]

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Smoking Dangerous for Pregnant       Women…                                   Smoking among British women is very common… Teenage school girls are also found smoking in hiding. Even the women after the age of 80 are very fond of smoking although they are bothered by asthma or cough. For some it is entertaining and for some it is a […]

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She reduced to get married Rita at the age of 18 was 108 Kgs. with the height of 6 ft. She appeared like a mini giant. Her huge muscles looked like those of a free style wrestler. Her huge breasts resembled like those of primitive Negro woman. Although there were some other fat girls around […]

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She Never Bothered About her Looks   Janet, aged 15, studying in a Missionary Secondary School, had never bothered about how she looked like. She was a tomboy and loved to wear her comfy jeans and trainers. She believed that when she spent a lot of time hanging around the streets, there was no need […]

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Sexual Deficit               I had a case of a young, single person aged twenty-six who was afraid to get married because of his sexual deficit. I delved into his past history to find out the right cause and the right solution. At the age of fifteen, during puberty, he was in perfect physical health. He […]

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Senior Citizens going for Divorce After 50 years of peaceful married life, a Bengali couple is now fighting a very bitter divorce battle. Tiwari Bhusan, aged 78, has dragged his 70 year old wife, Sharmila, to the Bengal matrimonial court complaining that he can no longer put up with the physical and mental harassment from […]

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